Eight-year-old girl found living with monkeys
BAHRAICH: Cops in Uttar Pradesh have found a girl who can neither speak nor behave like normal human beings. The 8-year-old girl was rescued by the police in Bahraich from a troop of monkeys.
The girl was spotted by sub-inspector Suresh Yadav, who was on a routine patrol in Motipur range of Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary.
When he tried to rescue the girl, who seemed to be comfortable with the apes, they screeched at him and so did the girl. However, the cops after great efforts managed to rescue the girl and got her admitted to the district hospital.
The girl can neither speak nor understands any language, and gets scared at the sight of human beings. The doctors treating her said that she often gets violent.
The girl has shown improvement following the treatment, but the improvement has been very slow. She still eats directly from her mouth. While she has been trained to walk on her legs, at times she walks like animals using her hands and legs together.
'Mowgli girl' who walks on all fours and does not speak like a human is found living with monkeys in India
An eight-year-old girl has been found living with monkeys and unable to walk or talk like a human in India, it has emerged.
child, who reportedly screeches to communicate and walks on all fours,
was found by police in a remote nature reserve in Bahraich, northern
She has already been dubbed
'Mowgli girl' because of the story's similarities with The Jungle Book,
Rudyard Kipling's tale about a boy of the same name brought up by
Authorities say she seemed comfortable among the apes at Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, close to the border with Nepal.
They are still trying to find out who she is, where she came from and how long she has been in the wild.
Sub-inspector Suresh Yadav found her while he was on a routine patrol, according to the Times of India.
She was taken to hospital after the discovery two months ago and has been looked after there ever since.

В Индии обнаружили 8-летнюю девочку-маугли
Полиция индийского штата Уттар-Прадеш обнаружила в лесу ребенка, который не умеет говорить и вести себя как человек. 8-летнюю девочку растила и воспитывала стая обезьян. Об этом сообщает Times of India.
Девочку нашел инспектор полиции Суреш Ядав во время патрулирования. По его словам, ребенок комфортно себя чувствовал среди обезьян, и когда он попытался забрать девочку, они все вместе завизжали на него. Тем не менее, с помощью подоспевших к Ядаву на помощь других сотрудников полиции ребенка удалось отделить от стаи обезьян и доставить в больницу.
Обследовавшие ее врачи отметили, что девочка-маугли не понимает человеческую речь, не говорит, ест как животные и пугается при появлении людей. Они также указали на довольно частые проявления агрессии в ее поведении. Однако после того как девочка провела некоторое время в больнице, было констатировано улучшение ее состояния. Ее также научили ходить на ногах, но иногда она все же перемещается на четырех конечностях.
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