Thursday, August 30, 2018

The 'Founding Fathers of the United States' are the traitors and terrorists

At last I've watched the famous American film 'Die hard'. 

It's a typical example of the wicked and lying bourgeois USA propaganda. The film depicts 'bad guys', 'evil revolutionaries' and 'a good guy', a policeman protecting the interests of the money bags, the American billionaires.
After that film I've once again looked at the attitude of American propaganda to the main and great American revolutionary John Brown

John Brown

I was amazed at how much the official America hates John Brown who sacrificed his life for the liberation of black slaves in the United States.  
The typical example of the vile capitalist American propaganda:
a holy man, a prophet, a martyr, the true revolutionary John Brown who sacrificed his life for the freedom of slaves, is mainly seen by the USA propaganda and historians as a terrorist and a mass murderer. 
At the same time so called 'Founding Fathers of the United States' - George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other villainous masterminds of the riot against British Crown are glorified by official capitalist America as heroes and 'founding fathers'. 
Why John Brown is till now, 150 years after his execution, a terrorist, a murderer and a madman and at the same time the British colonists, notable slave owners, very rich persons, the 'Founding Fathers of the United States' are revered in the United States as great heroes and thinkers, and their treacherous terrorist riot against the Crown is called the "American Revolution" and is celebrated in the USA as a state holiday?
Though George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and other mean malefactors committed the real treason against British Crown, organized the armed riot against their King - the deeds worthy of gallows!
Why is such a different approach of bourgeois capitalist American propaganda?
The answer is quite simple. 
Because so called 'Founding Fathers of the United States', the very rich chaps, the slave owners expressed the interests of the other similar rich men and slave owners, in that time their 18th century tycoons and billionaires, as Trump and Jeff Bezos now. 
But a honest man, simple, so compassionate, religious, and devout John Brown
expressed only the interests of the most oppressed and the most miserable people, the interests of black slaves. 

     the terrorists and vile traitors