Saturday, October 5, 2024

About the present Russians and the Western people

   It's difficult to imagine the degree of disgust that I have for my compatriots.
Even a thousand writers such as Boris Stomakhin is not enough to express that.
   This godless corrupt slavish rabble worshiping the power of the KGB officers and former communist criminals.
   It requires the incredible efforts from me to hide this disgust, this hatred towards them, these present Russians, in order not blurt out 
all this somewhere in my blogs or in my articles in Russian.
   I try never to communicate with them, these present Russians, the former Soviet slaves. If without my desire I must to contact with them - their 
ringing at my flat door, shopping, interrogations in the KGB (FSB) - the only feeling that I experience concerning them - the disgusting two-legged animals, the huge lice or cockroaches. The incredible feeling of disgust.
   Never I have had any other desire as to leave this abominable country for ever. But even my last attempt to do this in April 2014 was not successful, this so hateful for me country, the huge filthy concentration camp, had not released me.
   In principle Russia could become a decent country but only with complete change of its population, a mass immigration from other countries not so vicious as the present Russia. Russia is primarily the Russian language, the culture but not this utterly corrupt Russian speaking gene pool.
   In principle, I am for the Great Russia, a superpower, but with the utterly different population.
   What to do with this Russia population? Frankly speaking, in good they deserve a few 
deuterium bombs but the territory will be contaminated with radiation for a long time. Therefore, the most optimal solution is their eviction somewhere to Arctic islands like Novaya Zemlya or Franz Josef Land. Let them live there and render habitable those northern territories.
   I should add that I hate Americans, Frenchmen, Germans, Dutch, etc. no less than the Russians.They are the crud and the brutes too. The only things that I accept in the West are its culture and its way of life.
   I will never forgive the West, the U.S.A. that fact that during all these 45 years of my dissident activity, the struggle for freedom in Russia, they in no way helped me. Even when I was looking for political asylum in 2011, and the press wrote about that the West didn't help me then. I hate it.